Raspberry Pi 4 Blink LED and Switch Control

In this video, I quickly flash an SD card with the Raspbian operating system for my newly bought Raspberry Pi 4. Then, setup the raspberry Pi 4, write a python script to automatically turn an LED on and off. A switch is added to the circuit and the script is modified to manually turn on the LED using the script. BlinkLED script to automatically turn LED on and off: https://github.com/syeboah7/PythonProjects/blob/master/BlinkLED.py Switch controlled LED: https://github.com/syeboah7/PythonProjects/blob/master/SwitchControlledLED.py

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Traffic Light Controller Using Tiva C Series TM4C123G and Hardware Interrupt

Tiva C Series TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller A normal traffic light sequence is set to idle. A switch is used to interrupt this normal sequence for a short time. After the interrupt is over, the circuit returns to the normal sequence. https://github.com/syeboah4/Traffic-Light-Controller Engineering Projects by SY

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